Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 18: "Fire Bull"

We're supposed to have our first freeze of the winter tonight.  To celebrate, I lit a fake log in the fire.  That made me think of trying my hand at photographing fire.  After 60-some photos, I'm still clueless!

This one made me laugh, because it looks like a bull to me, which makes me think of the fantastic "FIREWOLF" by Regoch.  If you haven't seen it, go look!  While you're at it, check out his entire collection.  Wow!


Other pictures from my fake-log fire-foto session. I like the curlicue in the left photo.  In the right one, I see someone doing crunches with their legs in the air, feet crossed.  Come on, you see it too... hands behind the head, pointy elbows sticking up?


  1. Wow. The minute I scrolled down the screen and saw this fire, I thought, wow, that looks just like a bull! And I can see your exerciser too, and also fancy that little curly bit. Nice work all round!

  2. Hooray for a fire bull! Nice catch! :)
    And thank you for your kind words. It really means a lot to me!

  3. I think you did a dancy job with your fire log. Now just wait for a contest to come up... it will you know :)
