Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 7: "Two Plums and A...nother Plum"

Thought I'd try my hand at fruit today.  I set up a tiny little studio in my guest room.    I turned the lights down to the minimum setting and had to keep moving them farther back.  I finally was able to take a photo that wasn't white by raising the f-stop.  Looking at the picture, I probably should have raised it a little more to get the plum on the left completely in focus instead of right on the verge.

I also need to iron my backdrop so it's even underneath the plate.  Oh, the details!

I was very happy that I managed to get a white background, though, and my colors are good.  :)


  1. Yes, the colours are very good. If you want a good way to do a background, go to an art shop and buy a big poster board. They are only about $10 each, and are the best investment for a background EVER! Then you can lean it on the wall so that it curves down onto the tabletop as the base. No rear seams or issues, and no creases. Get a black one and a white one and you'll be set!
